Features 4 workout guides and 1 nutrition guide
Dedicated for underclassmen athletes, these programs have been created with no specific sport in mind. While this might seem counteractive to moving forward towards your athletic goals, making these programs based off of the 4 aspects of movement for sports ensures that anyone who is looking to increase their athletic performance can use these guides as a base. Whether it's following the exact exercises detailed or using this as a base for your own athletic training plan, strength and conditioning is an essential part of reaching your full athletic potential.
4 pillars of physical training
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Focusing on increasing the ability to bend and stretch, this is the basis for physical training.
Increasing the range of motion of joints like the hips and knees, mobility ensures that you can properly move in the most efficient way while performing.
Working on increasing the strength in the knees and joints, stability ensures that you can properly perform required movements for your sport.
Increasing muscle potential and working on complex movements, strength training helps increase coordination and performance.